A Look Back on a Very Busy Week for Med-Tex Services, Inc.
Filed under: Current News, Industry News, News
One of the key benefits to working with an extremely diverse and talented group of professionals is our ability to be in several locations teaching and training simultaneously. This past week is a great example of the versatility Med-Tex Services, Inc. and the value added services we provide on a daily basis. The Images are just a few of the highly skilled and comprehensive services we offer to our clients. Enjoy the view!
Med-Tex Services partners with NSR for a confined space rescue training course aboard the Battleship New Jersey, Terence McGovern presents the new OSHA silica standard for the Sub-Contractors Association of the Delaware Valley with Jim Corrado, John Curcio attends the Healthcare Facility Managers Spring Conference with Dennis M. Dougherty
BJ Schaeffer, Med-Tex Services, Inc. prepares to repel from the Battleship New Jersey super-structure
Med-Tex Services partners with NSR for a confined space rescue training course aboard the Battleship New Jersey